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Collage Site Plan


Rural Works

S t u d y L e v e l - BSc 1st Year Vertical Studio

Y e a r - 2018

I n s t i t u t i o n - WSA, Cardiff University

U n i t - Rural Works

T u t o r - Zoe Berman 

L o c a t i o n - Staveley, Lake District



Rural Works took place in Staveley, Lake District. The project forced me to explore different aspects and techniques to architecture and brought construction of our proposal down to a purely hands-on level using minimal tools to create our “frames”. The goal of this project was to encourage walkers or visiters to the woodland to stop and appreciate their surroundings through sight of our frames which at a certain angle formed an aperture through which nature could be observed.


Sketch Project Visual 1

2nd view.jpg

Sketch Project Visual 2

3rd view.jpg

Sketch Project Visual 3


Project Images


Future Goals for Rural Works

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